Of course when possible we love to make our learning HANDS ON! One way we were able to do that, was with the Natural Disaster portion of our unit. We started off with VOLCANOS! We had 3 different volcanos for the students to view. They all had different heights, widths, and different size openings at the top of the volcano. Students had to make some predictions of which volcano they thought would erupt quicker, which volcano the lava would travel down faster, and which volcano would be the slowest.
The excitement that our students expressed as they watched each volcano erupt was priceless! We even had students record each eruption in time lapse and slow-motion, so that we could look back at them later and compare the volcanos!
Then we moved on to some Water Natural Disasters such as hurricanes, Tsunamis, Severe Thunder Storms and Floods. For this part of the unit, students did their research on a natural disaster of their choice. They then created was is called a Telegami. This is an app on their iPad that allows them to create a character, insert a background, then record a short report. Here are some pictures of their telegamis:
Here is an example to view:
Then this week, we moved in Earthquakes! We first learned all about earthquakes. We then released it to the students. Their task was to create a structure out of 20 marshmallows and 20 toothpicks that could with stand an earthquake. The way we simulated an earthquake was with a tray of JELLO! We shook the tray and created an earthquake to see if their structure would survive. Students then were able to take their structure back and try to make improvements to see if they could make a strong structure to survive the earthquake!
Last but not least, amongst all of this fantastic learning going on within our room, we took a little time here and there to participate in our DEC the DOOR contest that was presented by the Student Council. We looked over several different door decoration ideas and as a class we decided to do a combination of a present, Santa's list, and include home made reindeer, Santas, and Elves!