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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Changing Matter Fun!!!

In our science unit, we have been learning ALL ABOUT MATTER. Students have learned that matter is ALL around us, that matter has properties, and matter can be changed by reversible or irreversible changes. They have been participating in several hands on experiments to learn allllll about matter.

Yesterday we learned that matter can experience reversible changes meaning it could be returned to its original state, and irreversible which means it cannot be returned to it's original state.

Today was an exciting day, we got to experiment with crayons to see what happens when we apply heat, and what happens once it is cooled.

So first we started with crayons.

We talked all the properties of crayons:

The we made predictions of what would happen when we put the crayon in a crock-pot!
After they made their predictions, the crayons went into the crock-pot for about 15 minutes.
Then they got to see the change that happened!

The students loved to see that the heat we applied to the crayon, caused it to melt, change from a solid to a liquid!

We then talked about what they thought would happen once the crayon wax cooled.

It was a great experiment for the kids to physically see the changes happening once the heat was applied.

Tomorrow they get experience another expirement with heat this time it will involve ice cubes and the sun! (of course if the weather cooperates!)

Thanks for stopping in!! =)

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