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Friday, September 11, 2015

Naper-Settlement and MORE!

Happy Friday all!

Today the weather cooperated and we were able to visit Naper-settlement. This field trip provided students with the opportunity to see what life was like for Pioneers in the 1800's. It was a great background builder for our upcoming social studies and ELA units. Here are some pictures to highlight our trip!!!

The Mansion 

The students got to see an 1800th era mansion. They learned the history about this being one of the first homes in Naperville to have electricity! As well as the new homophone that was all the rage for entertainment at the time. They found it so interesting to see how they used an ice box for a fridge!


The students experienced a one room school house! They were able to see how students of all ages sat in ONE room and learned about reading, writing, and arithmetic. School has some very strict rules, AND students had to do their chores on the farm BEFORE they even went to school!

The Blacksmith

We got to see a blacksmith at work. He showed us how the blacksmith worked with their tools to make important things that people needed to work and live.

Log Houses

Students went into an actual log cabin to learn how families all lived in ONE room cabins!

Print Shop
Printing with a printer? Not in the 1800's! Students learned how printers had to piece together the newspaper... LETTER BY LETTER!

Other Naperville fun:

Also, when we returned, the students were able to watch Mr. Courington read a fantastic story, they loved it!!

LASTLY, I wanted to share some wonderful pictures from picture day! The students all looked their best, and since you have to wait a couple weeks for their actual picture, here are some fun group shots!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!! See everyone Monday!

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