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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Math and Measurment

Hope everyone had a wonderful winter break, and enjoyed any and all holiday and family events! The time flies by, and as much as I loved the R&R I am excited to be back in the classroom with the students, and continuing all the fun and learning we have planned!

Measuring things can be done many different ways. There are also several different units of measurement to use.

In second grade, we are currently learning to measure using meters and centimeters!
We of course started with the basics... what is measuring, and how do we measure? In first grade, students learned how to measure with non-standard units.... like cubes, paperclips, blocks, etc. They were also exposed to using a ruler. However, in second grade we step it up and teach them even more about measuring, and begin to compare measurements.

Last week we learned about meters, students explored what items were taller, shorter, or the same size as a meter. They also worked with word problems comparing meter measurements and used their subtraction skills to determine which item was taller, shorter, longer, wider, etc, and by how much!

This we worked with centimeters. We were able to get much more hands on this week and were able to practice our measuring! We started with using a ruler and measuring lines and different size strings. Then we moved to measuring larger items with a tape measure and recording our results.

Below are some student examples. I provided the students a list of different things around the classroom to measure:

Students then used the app, explain everything, and they took a picture of the object they were measuring, they measured the object, and then labeled the picture with their measurement. At first, some students were forgetting to start at the very end of the tape measure, after some reminders, students took off and had a lot of fun working hands on with measuring!


Another note:

Just a reminder that I did send home information on Monday about our new Phonics/Spelling structure. This week is a phonics week, so we are working with words that have the <oi> sound and are spelled with oi or oy. There is no spelling homework this week, but please feel free to have students identify any <oi> words while they are reading or doing other homework! Next week we will still be practicing the same phonics skill, but they students will practice their spelling words and have homework.

Check back for more later!

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